It can vary by site but there will be a button or a text link somewhere near the font sample for downloading the font. Take a few minutes to see how different sites designate the download link. If the site offers multiple font formats be sure you're getting the format you need. For TrueType (ttf) and PostScript Type 1 font there are different files for Mac and for Windows. Once you've found the fonts you want to download, click on the download link or right-click (Windows). For Mac users, the download starts when you click.
Here are font download examples from a few sites. At this site, look for the font name or filename after the word Download: on each free font page. At click on the button that says DOWNLOAD next to the font sample or on the font sample page. At click on either the Windows or the Mac Download button next to the font sample. At you have to log in to get to their free fonts. For purchased fonts, click on the "Add to Cart" links to buy fonts then follow the instructions to download the purchased fonts. Most free fonts sites will have something similar to the above. Save the File.
For some downloads (such as the buttons at, depending on your browser and operating system, the file will immediately download to your computer. Otherwise, if using Internet Explorer, choose "Save this program (or file) to disk." If using Netscape Navigator, choose "Save File" after clicking on a download link.
If you use the right-click method a pop-up window will offer several options including something like "Save Target as..." Click on that option.
Name the File. Use the default file name or type in a new file name for the font you are downloading if it gives you the option. Usually you'll just keep the same file name. Choose a Download Location.If the file doesn't download automatically, you can change directories or folders using the navigation buttons in the Window or use the default directory that is showing. Download the Font.
If the download doesn't start automatically, click OK to begin the font download. Some font files are quite large and, depending on the speed of your connection, may take several minutes to download. Open the Font Archive.
If your downloaded files are in a compressed archive file (.zip, .bin, .hqx, .sit) you'll need to expand the file (Win | Mac) to use it.
In Windows 7, you can install the font directly from within the archive file without expanding it.
The download link for free fonts may appear as a graphic or text link that says "Download" or the name of the font. The download link for fonts may appear as a graphic or text link that says "Windows" or "Mac" or "PostScript" or "TrueType" or "OpenType" or something similar to indicate different font formats. The vast majority of free fonts on the Web are in archived files, with a file extension of ZIP (Windows), SIT, BIN, HQX (Mac). These archives will need to be uncompressed in order to use the fonts. Mac users can set a default download folder to make it easier to find files. Look under Edit > Preferences in your browser. A Free Fonts Download SiteWinZipStuffit Expanderif(zSbL